South Bay Roundup

South Bay Roundup

THEME: The Key to Life and Happiness

Aug 29 - Sep 01, 2025

Convention Status Summary

The 2025 41st South Bay Roundup planning has begun. This section identifies important facts about this years roundup

  • The Roundup is Labor Day Weekend, August 29 - September 1, 2025.
  • The Roundup will be at the Sonesta Hotel in the Redondo Beach Marina.
  • Merchandise will be available for pickup on-site, beginning August 29th.
  • Online orders will end on August 15th. You will be able to purchase onsite starting August 29 @ 3pm
  • If you have any questions you can submit an inquiry online by clicking the "Contact SBRU" option from the menu, or call the Hotline: 310-354-7660

Please check out this website for further updates. We will keep you informed.

May God bless you and keep you safe!

Your South Bay Roundup Committee


Thank you for joining our celebration. Each person who comes to the South Bay Roundup adds to the power and magic of our program – that it works – it really works. Putting together this event requires the efforts of hundreds of South Bay AA’s, Al-Anons, Alateens and friends. Since last winter, they have put in their time, their talents and their love to make their party happen. We know they have received the internal rewards of spiritual growth, greater self-esteem and increased connection to others, but we would also like to take this opportunity to publicly thank them all. Some of them have been listed in this program and most have a ribbon on their badge. If you want to thank them personally...give them a hug!! (us too!)

The Southbay Roundup's purpose is to bring people together, so they can celebrate their sobriety with family and friends.

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